The core functions of the Crop Research Division include:
- Promoting and improving agricultural production and providing technical advice, guidance and support to all farmers including women groups,
- Horticulture support (Fruits, Vegetables, Ornamentals, Hydroponics, Organic production, etc.).
- Applied and adaptive research, small trials – varietal testing, export trials, basic soil testing and assessment
- Pest and Disease control and identification
- Demonstrations on the use of: tools, new equipment, small machineries, irrigation accessories, new methodologies of applying pesticides, methodologies to make trees fruit at the offseason, etc.
- Nursery and Plant Propagation
- Administering of agricultural chemicals and livestock medicine, and other Pesticides.
- Register of Pesticides
- Support and training in Plant Protection – Pesticide Workshops, Fertilizer use and Nutrition of crops and others
- Managing and coordinating the Pesticides Act 1987 that promotes safe storage and use of Pesticides and safe disposal